What Happens If Kids Don’t Brush Their Teeth?

It certainly brings a smile to your face when you think of the eyes of your child in a picture, an untainted happiness that can be seen in an infant. Their teeth are tiny and look like pearls, each one of them, adding to the beauty of childhood. And now picture this- a smile dimming gradually; the brightness fading away into ordinary darkness due to a variety of dental problems.

This is a painful reality familiar to many parents, most of whom experience their children’s lack of attention to their dental hygiene. The effects of children having poor hygiene oral habits are not just limited to improper teeth, black teeth, and dirty gums, but also make the children feel sad. The stakes are high, and the consequences of neglecting this essential habit can be severe. 

Now, let’s explore the side effects of avoiding toothbrushing in children.

Side Effects of Avoiding Toothbrushing: How Kids Can Suffer

Tooth Decay and Cavities

If a child neglects brushing his or her teeth most of the time, then a colored and rough layer of deposits referred to as plaque starts to develop on the enamel surface of the teeth. For kids who don’t brush their teeth, this plaque causes the formation of the cavity by initiating acid production which dissolves tooth enamel. 

In its advanced stages, cavities lead to sensitivity in teeth bacterial infections, and tooth decay. In severe cases, cavities can cause a child unbearable pain, which makes it almost impossible for the child to eat, speak, or even sleep well.

Visit Federal Way Pediatric Dentistry in case your kid is facing any dental issues we can guide your child amicably through behavior management.

Gum Disease

Not practicing oral hygiene also exposes one to gum diseases; such as gingivitis which manifests in red, swollen, and may even bleed. In case, gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease that affects the hard and soft tissues of the gums and bones that support the teeth. 

When children suffer from gum diseases they also face the problem of chronic bad breath and in the worst case scenario loss of their teeth, which affects their dentition for most of their lives. 

Behavior management allows children to learn about the paramount significance of taking care of their teeth and just how fun that can be!

Visiting us for behavior management can be the most appropriate consequence for not brushing your teeth daily for your child.

Impact on General Health

Poor dental hygiene is not only limited to the mouth, but it also has consequences that are significant in the person’s entire body. Gum disease and tooth decay when left untreated lead to bacteria being relocated in the bloodstream causing dangerous diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses. This feat can be especially dangerous to children as their immune system is not fully developed therefore leading to several health complications.

Reach out to us to get your child treated by the best pediatric dentist to avoid such great negative health issues further in life.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Parents find that a child’s smile is an important part of his or her personality, and even his or her self-image. Various conditions such as cavities halitosis, and tooth breakages are some of the dental problems that may lead to children feeling uncomfortable about their looks. 

This can also impact their interpersonal relationships, aggressive behaviors in class, and general self-esteem. Healthy teeth mean proper facial appearance and assurance in social and academic postings, making children feel happier.

Academic Performance: Another Appropriate Consequence for Not Brushing Teeth

Dental pain and discomfort can also hurt a child's academic achievement. Chronic dental discomfort can distract children from their schoolwork, impair their focus, and lead to frequent absenteeism from school. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry reports that children with poor oral health are three times more likely to skip school due to dental pain. This can lead to missed learning opportunities and a detrimental impact on their academic advancement.

What is the Role of the Parents and Guardians in the Daily Tooth brushing of Children?

Different studies have pointed out the fact that parents and caregivers bear a major responsibility in passing good dental practices to young ones. Just telling them how to brush twice a day, floss, and get dental check-ups can go a long way in establishing a good dental health for a lifetime.

Encouraging children to follow proper oral hygiene by demonstrating it themselves and making it look like a fun activity can make children want to take care of their teeth.

Looking for ways to make your child brush their teeth daily? Want to make this a fun activity for them but can’t understand how? Get in touch for a behavior management appointment where kids learn how to brush their teeth every day.


The impact of childhood dental care negligence is catastrophic thereby creating the need to put much emphasis on dental care. Thus, they may experience an assortment of symptoms that range from mere oral pain to general feelings of discomfort; in addition, they can suffer from health and, consequently, self-esteem issues. 

Focusing on dental care, parents will be able to raise children who like and love going to the dentist and, thus, have radiant smiling faces that can brighten up the world. A little prevention now saves a lot of grief and keeps the wonder and light of a child’s grin intact.

At Federal Way Pediatric Dentistry, we employ cutting-edge methods and technology to produce high-quality and long-lasting results for your child’s smile. Our kid-friendly dentists will make your children understand the importance of brushing their teeth regularly in simpler ways. Give us a call right now!


1. How fast can cavities set in the mouth of kids who don’t brush their teeth regularly?

It has been ascertained that cavities may start to form in a few months if oral hygiene is not maintained. The rate at which cavities develop differs with the child’s diet, hygiene practices, and possibly genetic predisposition.

2. Does the lack of proper dental care pose a threat to a child’s health?

Inadequate oral care practices and regular brushing can result in other issues that affect the entire body. The germs in the mouth can spread through the blood and lead to respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

3. When should children brush their teeth to reduce the incidence of dental disease?

Children need to brush their teeth at least two times a day and floss daily to eliminate plaque and avoid dental difficulties.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about kids' dental health.


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